The What? The Why? The How?... and my ASK

Hey there, My Friend!

or I'll lovingly refer to you as 'My Opportunist', if you're ready to hop on board and embark on the exciting journey towards your next business venture!

Hey! 👋 I am Vadim, founder of The Opportunist

So, you've found your way to this newsletter, and chances are, you've got a few burning questions. I'll take a guess and answer them right off the bat!

The What?

Wondering what to expect? ‘The Opportunist’ mirrors the current struggle in my life: “What’s my next entrepreneurial venture?”. Like many, I find myself scanning the outer world daily hoping for that sudden spark of ‘new dream venture’ inspiration. And I'm willing to bet I'm not alone. I opted to approach it in a systematic, written manner. So in the newsletter you can expect:

  • Every week on Tuesday we curate 7 freshly brewed business ideas just for you. Opportunities emerge when market conditions shift. With the help of AI, we scout the worldwide news to pinpoint promising business opportunities at the intersection of unexpected events, and carefully handpick the 7 most promising ones. We then craft concise idea summaries, providing you with just enough information to decide if this could be "The One" for you.

The Why?

Wondering why I decided to kick off this newsletter?

I'm a proud millennial. I was absolutely certain that we, as a generation, were destined to be entrepreneurs, venture founders and business owners. However, take a look at these sobering facts:

  • Millennials own just 13% of small businesses in the U.S.

  • 50% of small business owners in the US are aged 55 or over

  • 2 major reasons for small business failure: lack of capital, lack of market demand

  • 79% of business owners do NOT have written plan for exiting their business

Source: Forbes Advisor

I believe we are at a pivotal ‘generational wealth opportunity’ moment right now.

The WHY for me is that humiliating 13 percent of the pie is totally UNACCEPTABLE!

The How?

Wondering how ‘The Opportunist’ will help you carve out your slice of that business pie? It’s simple - we reduce the two major risks of small business failure mentioned above.

  1. Weekly collection of fresh and relevant business opportunities will help you pick your niche and ideas carefully. Start business in a market with flourishing market demand, as it sets the stage for sustainable growth.

  2. Lack of capital is a myth! Rather than diving into the complexities of starting a new business from scratch, explore the world of business acquisitions. The true magic unfolds when you have the opportunity to acquire a business at zero cost. It's a game-changer! Stay tuned for step-by-step strategies in the newsletter.

And my ASK

"The Opportunist" is not just about ideas; it's about a community of forward-thinkers and opportunity-seekers. We want to hear from you, learn from you, and grow with you.

  1. Your feedback is incredibly important to me, and I really mean INCREDIBLY! So please, whenever you have a strong feeling or idea about the newsletter, just hit reply.

  2. If you have someone who might be interested in the topics we discuss here, go ahead and share this newsletter with them -


or to participate.